Welcome to Paradise

Sailing trip CARIBBEAN
Experience paradise from the sea



Each of the Caribbean islands is a jewel in itself and impresses with its own charms full of beauty and exoticism.
Lush tropical forests, colorful reefs rich in fish, endless sandy beaches, perfect winds – a sailing heaven on earth.


Super special for those who want privacy:
An entire yacht exclusively for you and your group.
(maximum 4 people)


Warm, steady winds and the long Atlantic wave make sailing from one island to the next an intense experience for all the senses.
Exotic smells and landscape impressions whisk you away to a fascinating world.

Update / correction (as of 16.08.24):
Unfortunately, the transatlantic and subsequent Caribbean cruises originally planned for autumn 2024 have had to be canceled!
Instead, I will remain in the Canary Islands with the Fair Lady and offer a wide variety of sailing trips with Tenerife as the start and end destination over the winter months (cf. → sailing schedule / sailing offers).

Caribbean sailing trip: Palm-lined white sandy beaches ...

… always ideal sailing conditions in a breathtakingly beautiful exotic setting and hundreds of islands and islets to discover.
Wild and pristine, the Caribbean surpasses all expectations and presents itself as the perfect sailing area for every nature, water and sailing lover.

The Caribbean Sea is huge, and equally extensive are the sailing options for a successful, diverse, and unforgettable sailing vacation along the very different Caribbean Island nations.

The start and finish for the sailing trips in the Caribbean is the French island of Martinique in the middle of the Lesser Antilles archipelago.
From here there are two very rewarding cruise options: one leads north to the region less frequented by sailors, but no less beautiful for that, with the lush islands of Dominica, Guadeloupe, Montserrat and Antigua.

The other, southern route takes you to the pristine island world of the Windward Islands, along St. Lucia, St. Vincent, Bequia, up to the Grenadines with the Tobago Cays, a marine park of paradisiacal beauty.
With the turquoise crystal-clear water and impressive reefs, all Caribbean clichés come true here – the perfect sailing and vacation idyll.

Sailing in the Caribbean: it’s all about perfect sailing days, lush tropical nature, and picture-perfect bays, for swimming, snorkelling, plenty of time for excursions and discoveries, as well as lots of lasting memories.

Dream destinations in the warm trade winds: the sailing areas of the Caribbean offer blue-water sailing at its finest and are suitable for pleasure-seeking, adventurous, and discovery-minded sailors of all kinds.

Caribbean sailing offers - from December 2024

Current Month

Facts about the Caribbean sailing area

The Caribbean fulfills your sailor dreams and is the perfect area for all preferences.

Karibik Strand von Marigot

What makes the Caribbean such a special sailing area:

What is additionally possible on these trips:

The character of the sailing trips in the Caribbean: *


Particularly recommended for: *

Singles, Couples
Families, Groups (Friends, Business teams, etc.)
Leisure Sailors
Advanced Sailors

*The information provided is for rough orientation and classification. More details can be discussed in a phone call.
Don’t hesitate to call me if you have any questions about a trip or sailing area.

Your sailing vacation
in the Caribbean

What to expect and what you should know about your sailing trip on the Fair Lady

Segeltörn in der Karibik, Sanstrand von Mareau

General Information

The fantastic sailing area of the Caribbean, specifically the Lesser Antilles, offers great sailing trips for all sailing enthusiasts, whether beginners or experienced sailors of all ages. These can be individuals, senior citizens, couples, groups of friends, groups (e.g. from sailing schools and/or clubs) or families with children over the age of 16.

The sailing skill-requirements are more in the middle range rather than the lower range. Manageable day trips of up to six hours of sailing time make sailing accessible to all interested parties because a day of sailing is usually followed by a rest and relaxation day at some paradise bay or Caribbean Island before the sailing journey continues to the next hotspot.

Sailing in the Caribbean is anywhere between ambitious to sporty due to the consistent trade winds around 5  Beaufort and the long Atlantic swell. However, the holiday atmosphere is by no means neglected, mainly due to the continuously mild and sunny climate, the natural beauties, and the overall stunning flair.

The daily stages are longer than in the Mediterranean (such as on the Balearic Islands sailing trips), but here too we generally only sail during the day and always relatively close to land, anchoring in a bay or mooring at a buoy in the evening.
We can barbecue fish or lobster on board or indulge ourselves in a nice restaurant before going to sleep in the cabin on your bunk charter.

The sailing area of the Lesser Antilles captivates with its authenticity and uniqueness, its paradisiacal beauty, always warm, crystal-clear, and fish-rich waters, pleasant temperatures, and many other features.

The incredible diversity and exoticism of this area alone ensure that these voyages focus on pure holiday and sailing pleasures: experiences of exploration and nature in various forms, swimming, snorkelling, diving, relaxing, enjoying, guided land excursions led by locals, and last but not least, the deliciously flavourful Creole-oriented cuisine with its diverse and highly aromatic meat and fish dishes, vegetable, and fruit variations.

Event Details

The tour offers are usually designed for 2-week trips, from Saturday to Saturday. For one-week sailing trips, there are various trips in other areas, e.g. the Balearic Islands or the Atlantic sailing trips.
On the day of arrival or shortly before, I will inform you of the Fair Lady's exact berth, where the yacht will be ready and freshly cleaned from 16 .
Take your time to move into your spacious cabin and settle in with a welcome drink.
Until all the other sailors have arrived, we do our first shopping and get to know each other over dinner before setting sail the next morning after a briefing.

All sailing tours ensure a balanced mix of active sailing, in which everyone is welcome to participate, relaxation, and enjoyment.

A full day of sailing is usually followed by a break day to allow time for nature, the country and its people.
All other tour contents (such as spots to visit, islands, reefs, mooring in the buoy field or anchoring in the bay, BBQing on board or dining out, etc.) are discussed and planned together, taking into account the current circumstances, so that everyone's wishes and interests are considered.

I summarize the individual wishes and am happy to give tips on the respective cruise destinations or contribute my own experience to ensure an all-round successful sailing trip for all participants.
A breathtaking underwater world, picturesque sandy beaches and turquoise waters await you. Our route (the classic Caribbean trip) leads past St. Lucia and St. Vincent, Bequia, Mustique, Mayreau to the Grenadines and the Tobago Keys or we choose the northern route past Dominica, Guadeloupe, Antigua and Montserrat. Book your dream vacation in the Caribbean and hoist the sails.

The last day of the trip brings us close to our final destination and we end the sailing trip together in a nice restaurant before I ask you to vacate the cabin by 10 a.m. the next day.


All berth charters in the Caribbean start and end on the French island of Martinique, which is served by direct domestic flights from Paris several times a day.
The marina can then be reached by cab or bus in around 45 minutes.

Please note: even if the flight to Martinique is within Europe, an identity card is not sufficient as a travel document! When entering and leaving the Caribbean island states, a passport is always required, which must be valid for at least six months.

Sailing Impressions

Want to see more photos? – Click here:

Which season is the best for sailing in the Caribbean?

Anyone planning a sailing trip in the Caribbean has countless options. Be it with a cruise ship or a motorboat, with a catamaran or sailing yacht. It’s the same with the season: some people want to escape the gray winter, others the autumn or the rainy summer in Germany.
The ideal season for sailing in the Caribbean and gaining plenty of sailing experience is from around October to spring, i.e. April. During this time the weather is particularly pleasant because it is the dry season and there is not risk of hurricanes. Temperatures average 30° C all year round; The water is always pleasant for swimming and snorkeling.

How long does the sailing trip in the Caribbean last?

In order to experience the full diversity of the Caribbean and to be able to see more than just one island, Caribbean sailing trips usually last two weeks. During this time you can discover the Caribbean on your berth charter, explore the beaches and bays, but also gain sailing experience and take the helm with me as skipper at your side.

How do I get to the Caribbean sailing area?

The best way to get there is by plane. The arrival airport is in Martinique and the sailing trip ends here, so you don’t need an open-jaw flight on this sailing trips.
The easiest way to get to the French island from Paris is to take a domestic flight. The island, which is part of the Lesser Antilles, is part of the French overseas department. The intra-European flight from Paris to Fort de France takes approximately 8-9 hours.

What does the skipper do on a sailing trip?

In addition to planning the trip and preparing the sailing yacht, as skipper I am always available to provide tips and places to visit. The planning of the sailing trip is always discussed together in the group, but I can still share my experiences with you about the most beautiful coral reefs, the best places for snorkeling and many other experiences.

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